Monday, 29 August 2011
One Day
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
The Help
Sunday, 7 August 2011
The Company Men
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Crazy, Stupid, Love
Monday, 18 July 2011
Temple Grandin
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Super 8
Movies I want to see
Summer in Genoa

This movie was very interesting. First I might add that in America at least I find that we are desiring for a movie to have a very diverse plot. When it does not we are quite disappointed. We can gloss over movies that are quite rich, but because not much actually happened we are left wanting more, and not in a good way.

So I went to see the movie Hanna last night. It was quite interesting and I am not quite sure still how I feel about it. I found it to be a very well done movie, very artistic. The director made sure that some of the actions were sequenced with the music and there was a lot of play on shadows and light.
Something Borrowed

So I went to see the movie Something Borrowed on Tuesday cheap night. It is the last one that I will experience since I go home on Monday. I did find that John Krasinski was hilarious. I was out loud laughing throughout a good portion of the movie. There are only a few movies that I can think of where I have been laughing so much, one is The Hangover and the other is The Proposal.
Country Strong

Wow- went to see Country Strong last night and it was very sad. Gwyneth plays this country music star that has a problem with addiction and has been to rehab a few times. She gets out of rehab a bit too early and is thrust back into the spot light for a comeback tour by her husband. I do not think that her husband meant harm to her, he just only knew her as a singer, on stage, and I think he thought that would nurse her back to health. She could not let her past go, she could not forgive herself. Her first two concerts were gong shows. She broke down in the first one and the second one she didn’t even show up. She could not face the world or herself without alcohol.
Her third concert she played amazingly, like she had never had an addiction before, but then she went back into her changing room and locked the door and I knew then, that was the calm before the storm. She wanted people to remember her as she was before. Then she could leave this world with a somewhat of a clear conscience. She killed herself in that room, alone. Her husband was devastated. He just wanted his wife back as she was before her addiction, but she wasn’t that woman anymore. She was very different, and she did not need to be up on that stage. She needed to be loved by the people around her.
It was devastating to me that fame can do this to people. All they want is to be famous, known, but really all that happens is they forget who they are. One of the mottos from this movie was that Love and Fame do not mix, you can’t have both. I do think that is true to an extent, if you are striving after Fame, Love has no place in your life, because Love should be the utmost. It should be what you are searching for and finding all over, Gwyneth said in the movie, that love is the most important, do not be afraid to fall in love, and actually fall in love with as many things as you can. I do agree with that in a completely non-destructive way. Love is all around us, it can be seen everywhere, and if you allow yourself to see it, to open yourself up enough to let it in, you will be changed. People are not the only things that can give and receive love. It is everywhere. I liked at the end that Chiles decided to go for love and not fame, She saw what can happen with fame. It can go sour and it can also make your love go sour. It can taint everything that you have. Love is simple.
Two of my favorite songs from the movie….
Garrett Hedlund-Timing Is Everything
Love this kid by the way. He was fantastic!
Garret Hedlund/Leighton Meester-Give Into Me
I give it a 7 out of 10
The Romantics

I watched The Romantics a few nights ago. I found it fantastic. It was quite interesting that someone is so afraid of greatness that he would be willing to marry someone else to not have to face it. He could have Katie Holmes' character, who is a passionate, emotional, challenging woman. She would push him and challenge him to be great. Or he could have a woman who is content, stable, emotionless, and allows him to be stagnant, played by Anna Paquin. He is completely scared of what he could be that he would rather be with a someone that is easy to handle and that will not push him to be all that he could be. Anna does not see his potential like Katie does. She will not allow him to be anything else than that.
Soul Surfer

I went to see Soul Surfer last night. It was pretty good. I really enjoy Anna Sophia Robb as an actress. I remember the first movie I saw her in, it is one of my all-time favorites, Charlie and the Chocolate factory. She had to play an obnoxious 12 year old that loves to chew gum and she did an outstanding job. I was quite surprised that she could have accomplished such a role at such a young age, all of the young actors and actresses did a great job in that movie.
Then I saw her in Bridge to Terabithia and she played an eccentric 13 year old that does make apologies for who she is. She is unique and is new in town. She befriends a neighbor boy and they great this imaginary world together. I remember reading this when I was 12 or 13 and I fell in love with the characters. She was fantastic in this and she was fantastic in Soul Surfer.
I remember reading an article about this Bethany Hamilton and her courage and bravery after losing her arm. It really is an amazing story. Not everyone was the greatest in this movie. Carrie Underwood was a little cheesy at times and I felt as though her portrayal of a Christian was forced at times. I did like that they strung the Christianity throughout the whole story and at times it felt genuine other times it did not.
I cried through about the last half of the movie. It was really hard for me to not get emotional when she gets bit by the shark and everyone is in panic mode. Also when the mother gets called and she is rushing to the hospital and then gets passed by the ambulance. I found it very hard to not cry.
Overall I give it about a 6.5/7 out of 10
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Blue Valentine

I am always weary of watching unknown movies with my mother, movies that could be risque. I once watched the movie Closer with my mom and best friend, that was a very awkward couple of hours.